Posts Tagged ‘keeping your pet from getting overheated’

How to Keep Your Pet from Getting Overheated

Wednesday, June 28th, 2017

It’s that time of year again. Summer is here and the sun…well, the sun brings the heat. It’s a great time to be outside for your pets and for you; however, it’s also a dangerous time as it’s much easier for pets to get overheated during the summer months. By learning how to keep your pet from getting overheated (and how to react if they do), you can guarantee plenty of fun (but perfectly safe) time in the sun.

Tips for Keeping Your Pet from Getting Overheated

Ideally, your pet will never know what it feels like to get overheated. For example, you are surely already a wise and loving pet owner and know better than to do something that would pose immediate danger to your pet like leave them alone in the parked car (even with the windows down). Such could lead to heat stroke.

Of course, even more seemingly harmless activities can also lead to overheating, but you can manage those with these tips:

  • Exercise outdoors early in the morning or later in the afternoon; avoid being outside when the sun is at the brightest and hottest.
  • Carry a fresh supply of water and a collapsible water dish for your pet to rehydrate when you are out.
  • Look for shady areas to rest if you’re out for a walk on a sunny day.
  • Avoid too much physical exertion when it is exceptionally hot or humid. Consider taking shorter, more frequent outings to ensure your pet still gets plenty of exercise.

Another tip is to be mindful of your pet’s breed and any specific conditions that might afflict them. For example, flat-faced dogs (like Pugs, to name one) are unable to pant as easily as other breeds, which makes them more vulnerable to heat stroke.

Signs Your Pet is Getting Overheated

Panting is something that pets do when they are getting overheated. Panting is a pet’s natural way of regulating body temperature; however, it doesn’t help in warm weather. Becoming overheated can cause your pet to suffer a potentially fatal heat stroke as well as sustaining damage to their heart, liver, brain, and / or nervous system.

Thus, being able to read the signs as to when your pet is getting overheated is critical. Signs in addition to panting include:

  • Glazed eyes
  • Weakness / collapse, stumbling / staggering, loss of conscious
  • Seizures
  • Excess drooling
  • High pulse and heart rate
  • Extreme thirst
  • Bright or dark red tongue / pulse
  • High temperature (over 104 degrees)

What to Do When Your Pet is Dangerously Overheated

While prevention is the best treatment of overheating, the best thing you can do is to quickly cool your pet down by doing the following:

  • Get your pet into the shade or air-conditioning
  • Run cool (never cold) water over your pet
  • Use ice packs or cold towels to your pet’s head, neck, and chest
  • Give your pet small quantities of cool water to drink or ice cubes to lick
  • Immediately seek emergency veterinary care

In high heat and humidity situations, pets can rapidly go from fatigued to distressed to being in serious danger in a matter of moments. The best way to keep your pet from getting overheated is to practice preventative techniques. If you find you’re in a situation where your pet might get overheated, monitor your pet closely and act quickly as doing so could save your pet’s life. By being aware and being vigilant, you and your pet can have a fun, cool summer.

Being aware of the many dangers that threaten your pet’s health is important. This is why Eagle Pack doesn’t use any potentially harmful chemicals or additives in their pet food recipes. Eagle Pack wants your pet to be able to grow old with you.